10126 documents matched the search for G21 L80 L00 in JEL-codes.
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Monitoring the Quality of Services in Electronic Banking, Radislav Jovovic, Elvis Lekic and Miroslav Jovovic,
in Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice
Keywords: electronic banking, electronic services, service quality, models, information technology.
Approach for Evaluation of Possibilities for Enhancing Competitiveness and Determination of Management Priorities (as Exemplified by Large Companies from the Non-ferrous Metals Sector), Vyara Milusheva,
in Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi
Keywords: approach for evaluation of possibilities, competitiveness, industrial company, hierarchy method
Modern Approaches In The Industrial Maintenance Management - The Conditional Type Maintenance, Ioan Cucu, Ciprian Ioan Cucu and Maria-Elena Boatcă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: maintenance, informatics, systems, management, costs
Keywords: design thinking, entrepreneurial, innovation, interdisciplinary, knowledge
Competitividade e produtividade: uma análise comparativa do desempenho industrial de Minas Gerais, 1985/1996, Silvia Harumi Toyoshima and Marcelo Pereira da Silva,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: Minas Gerais; competitividade; produtividade; indústria
The Effect of Traditional and Contemporary Management Accounting Practices on Organisational Outcomes and the Moderating Role of Strategy, Nuraddeen Abubakar Nuhu, Kevin Baird and Lu Jiao,
in American Business Review
Keywords: Contemporary Management Accounting Practices; Traditional Management Accounting Practices; Package of Management Accounting Practices; Miles and Snow Strategy; Organisational Performance; Competitive Advantage
Consumer heterogeneity, demand for durable goods and the dynamics of quality, Juan Esteban Carranza,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
Keywords: demand estimation, dynamic demand, durable goods
Models of Technology Diffusion, Paul Geroski,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Density Dependence; Epidemics; Information Cascades; Probit Models; Technology Diffusion
Power and Information Leakage in Organizations, Mariagiovanna Baccara,
from Society for Economic Dynamics
Keywords: Hierarchies, Information Leakage, Power
Westdeutsche Industrie: Kapazitätsauslastung weiter gestiegen, J.D. Lindlbauer,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Industrie, Westdeutschland
Sunk Costs, Profit Variability, and Turnover, Adelina Gschwandtner and Val Lambson,
in Economic Inquiry
Incentives, Eric Maskin, Yingyi Qian and Chenggang Xu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Project, Large, Complex, Complicated, Transnational
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Early warning, Forecasting methods, Project management
Duplicative research, mergers and innovation, Vincenzo Denicolo' and Michele Polo,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Horizontal mergers; Innovation; R&D investment;
The Motivation Behind Investment in Development of Open Source Software Projects, Pooyan Mobtahej,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Open Source, Software Development. Software Process, Free Software Industtry
Social Capital, Performance of SMEs, and COVID-19 Pandemic, Psk Rajapakshe, Skn Gamage, Rpir Prasanna, Jmsb Jayasundara, Ems Ekanayake, Jmhm Upulwehera, Waid Wijerathna and Gaknj Abeyrathne,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Internationalization, Innovations, SMEs, Social capital, Sustainable competitive advantage
Application of Bat Evolutionary Algorithm in Optimization of Economic Dispatch for Unit-Commitment Problem with Large Uncertainties and High Efficiency, Shou Weng, Lee Chen and Kong Odendaal,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Power System Operation, Unit Commitment, Optimization, Economic Dispatch, Smart Grids
Economic Based Neural Control Switching of TCR and TSC for Optimal Reactive Power Flow and Harmonic Minimization with Fuzzy-Genetic, Farzad Mirzaei, Farnoosh Ashkaboosi and Sadegh Mahdavi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy membership, ANN, ORPF, FACTs, Fire angle, THD.
Economic Approach for Stochastic Artificial insemination by Neural Network, Zeynolabedin Tashakori and Farzad Mirzaei,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: A Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Neural Network, Targets Train, Neuron, Targets Train
The Economic Application Approach of Fuzzy Logic Controller Type I and II for Second Order Linear Systems, Amir Tavakoli and Ehsan Khazaei,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic
The Illiquidity of Water Markets, Javier Donna and Jose Espin Sanchez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Market Efficiency, Dynamic Demand, Auctions, Quotas, Vertical Integration, Financial Markets.
Costs of Low Productivity: Intensive and Extensive Margins, Turkmen Goksel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: productivity, quadratic utility, monpolistic competition
The formation of new firms: An ordered probit model approach for Latin American and Caribbean Countries, Jorge Velez Ospina and Jacobo Campo Robledo,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Business density, Orderet Probit, Institutional
in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica
Keywords: quality management system, risk management, improvement, porcelain factory
Support for small businesses amid COVID‐19, Charles A.E. Goodhart, Dimitrios Tsomocos and Xuan Wang,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Covid-19; coronavirus
Modern manufacturing capital, labor demand and product market dynamics: evidence from France, Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel and Xavier Laurent Jaravel,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: modern manufacturing capital; investments; productivity; France
in Revista Economica
Keywords: Psychological Contract, Sense-Making, Breach, Fulfillment
Effect of Investment on Employment in the Formal Small Industries In the District/City of South Sumatra Province, Indonesia, Saadah Yuliana, Bernadette Robiani and Mukhlis Mukhlis,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Investment; Employment; Formal Small Industry
On the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution: Facts and Theory, Luis Cabral and José Mata,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Firm growth; Financing constraints; Firm size distribution
Retail Mergers: Buyer Power and Product Variety, Roman Inderst and Greg Shaffer,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Buyer power; Retailing; Horizontal mergers
Introduction to Industrial Organization, Luis Cabral,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: economics; industrial organization; management; microeconomics; strategy
Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications, Oz Shy,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: industrial organization theory, market structure, legal system, antitrust laws
Understanding Gatekeeping Transformation in the Chinese EV Industry: An Exploratory Study of the Focal Firms' Cross-industrial Interactions, Yanyan Liu, Ying Cheng and Wei Liu,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: industrial gatekeeping, cross-industrial interactions, gatekeeping transformation, EV industry, China
Access to digital car data and competition in aftersales services, Bertin Martens and Frank Mueller-Langer,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: connected cars, digital data, car data, monopolistic data markets, data regulation, access to data, data trade
The impact of data access regimes on artificial intelligence and machine learning, Bertin Martens,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: digital data, ownership and access rights, trade in data, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Cybernetic Theory as a New Approach to Studying Workers’ Well-being, Massimo Franco and Monia Trombetta,
in Croatian Economic Survey
Keywords: work well-being, cybernetic theory, desires and perceptions
Profit Persistence in the "Very" Long Run: Evidence from Survivors, Adelina Gschwandtner,
from University of Vienna, Department of Economics
Sunk costs, Profit Volatility, and Turnover, Adelina Gschwandtner and Val E. Lambson,
from University of Vienna, Department of Economics
Sunk Entry Costs, Sunk Depreciation costs, and Industry Dynamics, Adelina Gschwandtner and Val E. Lambson,
from University of Vienna, Department of Economics
Vaporware, Stephan Levy,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Vaporware, preannouncements, upgrades, innovations
An Analysis of Specialized Translation and Terminology. Case Study, Buzarna-Tihenea (Gãlbeazã) Alina,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: translation, terminology, technical terms, wind turbines industry
Quantity Precommitment and Price Matching, Norovsambuu Tumennasan,
from Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
Keywords: Price matching, capacity constraint, quantity precommitment
The Economics of Coordination, Innovation, Selection and Learning: A Theoretical Framework for Research in Industrial Economics, Gunnar Eliasson,
from Research Institute of Industrial Economics
Keywords: Industrial economics; information; organisation; firms in dynamic markets; humal capital; economic resources; policy
The current economic and financial crisis: Transformations in work in the Greater Region, Franz Clément,
from Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Keywords: governance; labour market; crossborder workers; crisis; institutions
Co-location, good, bad or both: How does new entry of discount variety store affect local grocery business?, Charlotte B. Evensen, Frode Steen and Simen Ulsaker,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics
Keywords: Retail economics; local competition effects; positive agglomeration forces; grocery markets
The Effects of a Day Off from Retail Price Competition: Evidence on Consumer Behavior and Firm Performance in Gasoline Retailing, Øystein Foros, Mai Thi Nguyen and Frode Steen,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science
Keywords: Consumer Behavior; Firm Performance; Gasoline Retailing
Empirical Industrial Organization: A Progress Report, Liran Einav and Jonathan Levin,
from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Keywords: industrial organization, imperfect competition, organization of markets
Sunk Costs, Depreciation, and Industry Dynamics, Adelina Gschwandtner and Val Lambson,
in The Review of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: sunk costs, depreciation, entry and exit, irreversible investment
Technology, National Identity and the State, Niklas Stenlås,
from Institute for Futures Studies
Keywords: military-industrial complex; national identity
Resolving the Commitment vs. Flexibility Trade-Off: The Role of Resource Accumulation Lags, Gonçalo Pacheco-de-Almeida , James E. Henderson and Karel Cool ,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: Resource accumulation; commitment; flexibility; petrochemical; investment
Institutional Logics as Strategic Resources, Rodolphe Durand , Bérangère Szostak , Julien Jourdan and Patricia Thornton ,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: Institutional logics; strategic resources; institutional plurality; strategic choice; logic addition; logic focus
Valuing Spanners: Why Category Nesting and Expertise Matter, Arnaud Cudennec and Rodolphe Durand,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: categories; expertise; venture capital; experimental methods
Delegation of Decision Rights and Inertia in Capital Reallocation, Nauman Asghar and Tomasz Obloj,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: Capital reallocation; information processing; organizational structure; inertia; fuzzy regression discontinuity design
Single-actor scandal or multiple-actor scandal? A framework for studying scandal dynamics, Yasir Dewan and Michael Jensen,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: misconduct; scandal; spillover; scapegoating; multiple-actor
Generalized Biform Games, Veronica Roberta Cappelli and Olivier Chatain,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: value-based strategy; value-base models;
The Ecosystem Penalty: Value Creation Technologies and Incentive Misalignment, Olivier Chatain and Elena Plaksenkova,
from HEC Paris
Keywords: Business Ecosystems; Alignment; Complementarities; Value Creation and Value Capture; Formal Model.
Slotting Allowances and Manufacturers’ Retail Sales Effort, Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Jan Sand,
from CESifo
Keywords: slotting allowances, non-contractible sales effort, bargaining power
Airline Alliances, Carve-Outs and Collusion, Jan Brueckner and Pierre Picard,
from CESifo
Keywords: collusion, carve-out
La complexité de l'éthique au sein des organisations: de l'exigence normative à l'exigence de responsabilité, Laurent Bibard,
from ESSEC Research Center, ESSEC Business School
Keywords: Complexity; Ethics; Morals; Rules; Education; Routines
A theological approach to organizational visual representations, Aziza Laguecir and Bernard Leca,
from ESSEC Research Center, ESSEC Business School
Keywords: Epistemic Power; Religion; Theological approach; Organizational Visual Representations
Intellectual property in a knowledge-based economy: Patents to include vs. patents to exclude, Patrick Cohendet, Matthieu Farcot and Julien Pénin,
from Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg
Keywords: Intellectual property rights, incentives, coordination, R&D collaboration, collective invention.
Not All Differences are the Same: The Role of Informal Status in Predicting Reactions to Demographic Diversity in Organizations, Sandra Spataro,
from Yale School of Management
Keywords: Diversity, Status, Relational Demography
When Differences Do (and Do Not) Make a Difference: How Individual Identities Influence Reactions to Diversity, Sandra Spataro,
from Yale School of Management
Keywords: Diversity, Identification, Social Identification
Políticas industriais nos EUA, Japão e Reino Unido em meio à crise econômica e sanitária do Covid-19, Fernanda Monteiro and Márcia Rapini,
from Cedeplar, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Keywords: Industrial Policy, Post-Covid-19 Economy, USA, Japan, United Kingdon
New Characteristics of Services within the Knowledge-based Society, Ion Plumb and Andreea Zamfir,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: knowledge-based society, industrial society, characteristics of services, goods.
Demographie des entreprises, volatilite et changement dans le secteur des services, D. Hamdani,
from Statistique Canada, Sciences et technologie-
Challenges facing Canada's Internet Services Providers; a Snapshot from a Survey of ISPs, N. Hillary and G. Baldwin,
from Statistique Canada, Sciences et technologie-
Analysis of the Tertiary Sector in Romania, Marian Ionel,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: tertiary sector, services
The Services Sector in Romania Under the Incidence of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Marian Ionel,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: services, COVID-19
Analysis of Market Services Compared to Public Services in Romania, Marian Ionel,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: services, market services, public services
Service Industry Management: Organizational Aspect, Natalia Voronina,
in European Journal of Business and Economics
Keywords: Service IndustryService Industry Management, Classification and Grouping of Service Entities,
Measuring the Creative Europe, Ana Bobirca, Paul-Gabriel Miclaus and Sorin Dumitrescu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: creativity, EU-27 creative potential, creativity index.
Innovation in the Service Sector, Stanislav Zaichenko,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: services sector; innovation; innovation development
Masurarea Economiei Creative – Studiu de caz România, Ana Bobirca, Alina Draghici, Sorin Dumitrescu and Oana Mihut,
in Romanian Economic Journal
Keywords: creative industries, creative economy, talent, technology, tolerance, creativity index
Service supply and demand – methodology and trends, Viorica Ionascu and Dominic Perez-Danielescu,
in The Annals of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University. Economy, Commerce and Tourism Series
Keywords: service supply, service demand, consumption need, need categories, service demand methods of analysis;
La productividad del sector servicios en Pasto, Martha Alejandra Santacruz,
in Revista Tendencias
Keywords: Productividad; servicios; empleo; shift share
Hábitos de lectura y consumo de libros en Colombia, Mauricio Reina and Cristina Gamboa T.,
from Fedesarrollo
Keywords: Hábitos de lectura, Libros, Consumo de libros, Economía de la Cultura, Compra de libros, Lectura en Internet, Colombia
Growth of business services: A supply-side hypothesis, Satya P. Das and Anuradha Saha,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Branchen im Fokus: Dienstleistungen, Przemyslaw Brandt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Dienstleistungssektor, Geschäftsklima, Branchenentwicklung, Konjunktur
Bietet der Kompromiss zur EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie eine akzeptable Lösung?, Evelyne Gebhardt, Martin Wansleben and Klaus Bräunig,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: EU-Vergaberecht, Dienstleistungssektor, Unternehmen, Branche, Deutschland, EU-Staaten
Sollte die EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie nachgebessert werden?, Holger Wenzel, Hanns-Eberhard Schleyer, Evelyne Gebhardt and Heide Rühle,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: EU-Vergaberecht, EU-Binnenhandel, Dienstleistung, EU-Staaten
Sind wir schon in der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft angekommen?, Martin Baethge, Dieter Spath and Marc Opitz,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, Deutschland, Industriegesellschaft, Institutioneller Wandel, Standort, Innovation, Standortpolitik
Tertiarisierung und neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, Konrad Faust, Wolfgang Gick, Herbert Hofmann, Ingrid Leiprecht, Albert Müller, Wolfgang Ochel and Barbara Schaden,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Deutschland, Tertiarisierung, Informationstechnologien, Kommunikationstechnologien, Strukturwandel
SERVICE INDUSTRIES AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE, Gerald Moody, Sandra Cooke, Kan Young, David Henry and Jeffrey Mayer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Der Einfluss des russisch-ukrainischen Konflikts auf die deutsche Industrie – Ergebnisse einer Sonderumfrage im ifo Konjunkturtest, Christian Seiler and Klaus Wohlrabe,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Konjunkturumfrage, Industrie, Politischer Konflikt, Russland, Ukraine, Deutschland
Knowledge Services as a Basis of Enterprise Growth, Zuzana Tučková,
in European Financial and Accounting Journal
Keywords: Intensive Services, Knowledge, Knowledge Intensive Services Enterprises, Professional Services, Services
Lagging Productivity Growth in the Service Sector: Mismeasurement, Mismanagement or Misinformation?, Dinah Maclean,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: Productivity; Recent economic and financial developments
Ostdeutsche Unternehmen betrachten EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie mit Skepsis, Thomas Kiessl, Carsten Pohl and Heinz Schmalholz,
in ifo Dresden berichtet
Keywords: Dienstleistung, EU-Recht, EU-Binnenmarkt, Unternehmen, Neue Bundesländer
Dienstleistungen im globalen Wettbewerb, Anita Wölfl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Dienstleistung, Dienstleistungssektor, Konjunktur, Branchenentwicklung, Wettbewerb
Konjunkturtest im Fokus: Information und Kommunikation, Przemyslaw Wojciechowski,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Dienstleistungssektor, Information, Kommunikation, Wirtschaftsindikator
Konjunkturtest im Fokus: Lagerbestand und Reichweite der Aufträge in der Industrie, Christian Seiler, Klaus Wohlrabe and Przemyslaw Wojciechowski,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Industrie, Auftrag, Warenwirtschaftssystem, Bestandsmanagement, Konjunkturumfrage
Konjunkturtest im Fokus: Die Beurteilung der Lagerbestände im Handelsgewerbe, Stefan Sauer and Christian Seiler,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Handel, Lagermanagement, Konjunkturumfrage
Mögliche Auswirkungen der geplanten EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie auf die Wirtschaft Deutschlands, Gernot Nerb,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: EU-Vergaberecht, Dienstleistung, Unternehmen, Branche, Deutschland, EU-Staaten
Leichtes Umsatzwachstum im Großhandel – Investitionsausgaben weiter rückläufig, Arno Städtler,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Großhandel, Umsatz, Investition
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Terrorism, Tourism, Political Instabilities
Risks of managerial control at service enterprises, Arthur V. Kuchumov, Elena V. Pecheritsa and Aleksandra M. Vorontsova,
in Economic Consultant
Keywords: service industry; managerial control; managerial risks
in Perspectives of Innovation in Economics and Business (PIEB)
Keywords: Service, service providers, government program for development of services, dispersed markets, compact market.
E-Business - Applications and Global Acceptance, Princely Ifinedo,
from IntechOpen
Internet/E-Business Technologies Acceptance in Canada's SMEs: Focus on Organizational and Environmental Factors, Princely Ifinedo,
from IntechOpen